L-am recitit in seara asta de mai multe ori si de fiecare data singurele cuvinte care-mi veneau in minte erau " Cat de mult adevar ! "... Mi s-a parut atat de plin de intelepciune acest poem incat m-am hotarat sa il scriu aici ,sperand sa aflu intre timp cine l-a scris .
Iata-l (intai in varianta romana) :
Nu esti varsta ta,
Nici marimea hainelor pe care le porti,
Nu esti o greutate,
Sau culoarea parului tau.
Nu esti numele tau,
Si nici gropitele din obraji,
Esti toate cartile pe care le citesti,
Si toate cuvintele pe care le vorbesti,
Esti vocea ta ragusita de dimineata,
Si zambetele pe care incerci sa le ascunzi,
Esti dulceata din rasul tau,
Si fiecare lacrima pe care ai varsat-o,
Esti cantecele pe care le canti cu voce tare,
Cand stii ca esti absolut singur
Esti locurile in care ai fost,
Si locul pe care il numesti acasa,
Esti lucrurile in care crezi,
Si oamenii pe care ii iubesti,
Esti fotografiile din dormitorul tau,
Si viitorul la care visezi,
Esti facut din atat de multa frumusete,
Insa se pare ca ai uitat,
Cand ai decis ca esti definit
De toate lucrurile de care nu esti.
Si in varianta originala,in limba engleza:
You are not your age,
Nor the size of clothes you wear,
You are not a weight,
Or the colour of your hair.
You are not your name,
Or the dimples in your cheeks,
You are all the books you read,
And all the words you speak,
You are your croaky morning voice,
And the smiles you try to hide,
You're the sweetness in your laughter,
And every tear you've cried,
You're the songs you sing so loudly,
When you know you're all alone,
You're the places that you've been to,
And the one that you call home,
You're the things that you believe in,
And the people that you love,
You're the photos in your bedroom,
And the future you dream of,
You're made of so much beauty,
But it seems that you forgot,
When you decided that you were defined,
By all the things you're not.
Nor the size of clothes you wear,
You are not a weight,
Or the colour of your hair.
You are not your name,
Or the dimples in your cheeks,
You are all the books you read,
And all the words you speak,
You are your croaky morning voice,
And the smiles you try to hide,
You're the sweetness in your laughter,
And every tear you've cried,
You're the songs you sing so loudly,
When you know you're all alone,
You're the places that you've been to,
And the one that you call home,
You're the things that you believe in,
And the people that you love,
You're the photos in your bedroom,
And the future you dream of,
You're made of so much beauty,
But it seems that you forgot,
When you decided that you were defined,
By all the things you're not.
Paste fericit ,plin de lumina si dragoste !
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